Crossing blocking devices UZP and UZD are designed for blocking railway crossings and roads by lifting a cover to particular height upon

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Crossing blocking devices UZP and UZD are designed for blocking railway crossings and roads by lifting a cover to particular height upon a stop signal of crossing traffi c lights. They ensure transport exit from the crossing with the lifted cover.

Climatic execution is UKhL 1 per GOST 15150-69.

UZP is produced in the right-hand or lefthand version depending on electric switch mechanism location in relation to the drive ways.

The set of four UZPs is installed on a crossing. Depending on drive way width there are long and short UZPs.

Switchgear weight, kg, maximum:
  • UZP 1500
  • UZD 7000
Bloking cover lenght, mm : 3280
Cover lifting height above the road level, mm, minimum:
  • UZP 450
  • UZD 425
Cover lifting time, s, maximum:
  • UZP 5
  • UZD 4 ÷ 7
Forced impact force to lifted cover adge:
  • UZP 80
  • UZD not closed
Power, W:
  • UZP 300
  • UZD 300
Supply voltage of electric drive from AC mains, 50 Hz:
  • UZP 220
  • UZD 190
Length: 5600
  • UZP 2490
  • UZD 2590
  • UZP 1360
  • UZD 2000

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