Machine shop
The heart of production. A powerful machine park and highly qualified specialists allow us to successfully produce the necessary volumes of products to fulfill the production plan

The machine shop is one of the most important divisions of the enterprise engaged in production processes of a mechanical nature.
Machining equipment allows you to manufacture equipment components operating in conditions of intensive operation.
The machining production of LLC "Termotron-Zavod" has the following production facilities:
- universal lathes;
- software lathes;
- universal milling machines;
- software milling machines;
- boring machines;
- drilling machines;
- boring machines;
- grinding machines;
- gear cutting machines;
- electric erosion machines;
- pressing equipment.
- quality
- safety
- responsibility
- initiative
- quality
- safety
- responsibility
- initiative
- competence
- reliability
- functionality
- competence
- reliability
- functionality
- competence
- reliability
- functionality