Electroplating and thermal diffusion coating
A full range of services for the application of zinc anticorrosive coating on metal products by thermal diffusion and electroplating methods.

Services for the application of zinc anticorrosive coating on metal products by thermodiffusion and galvanic methods
Thermodiffusion zinc coating is one of the most reliable and environmentally friendly methods of protecting metals from corrosion.
The use of this type of coating has proven itself well in aggressive environments (marine environment, chemical production). Corrosion resistance in accordance with GOST R 9.316—2006 is 2-2.5 times higher than the resistance of hot-dip galvanizing.
Galvanic galvanizing is the most common way to protect metals from corrosion. Galvanic galvanizing has become the most widespread in the production of fasteners, nails, and steel mesh.
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- quality
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- competence
- reliability
- functionality
- competence
- reliability
- functionality