The first professional successes

The welders of LLC "Termotron-Zavod" shared their experience with novice colleagues


Future welders from the Bryansk Vocational Pedagogical College visited LLC "Thrmotron-Zavod" with an introductory tour. The guys not only inspected the workshops and administrative departments, but also received practical advice from experienced colleagues.

"We are very interested in having young, well—trained specialists come to work for us," said Andrei Makarov, Deputy Director for Security and Human Resources, welcoming students to the enterprise. "I really hope that today's tour will be useful to you, and this will not be our last meeting."

After an introductory tour of the production, the children were invited to demonstrate their professional skills. Under the supervision of experienced professionals, they cooked a metal part at the assembly and welding site. The resulting samples were evaluated by both practicing welders and teachers of the children. The authors of the neatest seams were awarded with gifts — wireless headphones and external batteries.

"We spare no effort and time to attract young professionals to the production," says Anton Abushenko, General Director of LLC "Termotron—Zavod". "We are open to cooperation and will be glad to welcome schoolchildren, students of secondary specialized institutions and university students."
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