Opening up the industry

Представители рабочей группы посетили ряд промышленных предприятий области


A series of excursions to industrial enterprises of the Bryansk region took place within the framework of the All-Russian educational program "Open Industry" -4.0. The working group included representatives of organizations from various fields of professional activity, as well as educational institutions, the Center for entrepreneurship Development of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Bryansk Region" and the regional Department of Industry, Transport and Communications. LLC @Termotron-Zavod@ is represented in the project by the head of the Personnel Management Service.

"We, like the other members of the working group, are currently undergoing training in the Open Industry-4.0 program," says Anton Abushenko, CEO of LLC "Termotron—Zavod". — We are working together to develop a concept for the development of industrial tourism in our region. And to do this, it is necessary to visit enterprises that already conduct excursions, analyze their experience and collect the best programs that are already working."

Last week, the working group visited JSC Bezhitskaya Steel, the Katyusha furniture company, part of the DMI Group, and the Dyatkovsky Crystal Factory. LLC "Termotron-Zavod" will be the host tomorrow.














