Preparing the shift
Career guidance tours are continuing at the enterprise

Another group of high school students from Bryansk school No. 4 visited Thermotron-Zavod LLC on Tuesday, November 7. Marina Safarova, Head of the Personnel Management Service, took the children through the production and administrative premises, told them about the specialties in demand and answered all the questions that arose during the tour.
"We employ university graduates, representatives of the plant often attend diploma defense of young specialists," Marina Alekseevna said. — We have a mentoring system — we always attach a specialist curator to each newcomer, who introduces them to the course of business, introduces them to the principles of work. The salary at the enterprise varies depending on the position and workshop, the degree of qualification and the volume of tasks performed. Turners, locksmiths, CNC machine operators, welders, and process engineers are in great demand now. We have a lot of work, and we always need qualified personnel. I really hope that after today's tour, one of you will decide to become our colleague. See you soon."

"We employ university graduates, representatives of the plant often attend diploma defense of young specialists," Marina Alekseevna said. — We have a mentoring system — we always attach a specialist curator to each newcomer, who introduces them to the course of business, introduces them to the principles of work. The salary at the enterprise varies depending on the position and workshop, the degree of qualification and the volume of tasks performed. Turners, locksmiths, CNC machine operators, welders, and process engineers are in great demand now. We have a lot of work, and we always need qualified personnel. I really hope that after today's tour, one of you will decide to become our colleague. See you soon."