For schoolchildren — about production
Excursions for schoolchildren continue at LLC Thermotron-Zavod

The guys from Bezhitskaya school No. 17 visited Thermotron-Zavod LLC with a career guidance tour.
The acquaintance with the production, which began with the traditional introductory briefing and collective photography in the lobby of the plant, continued at the exhibition. Here, a specialist from the chief designer's department told the guys about the main types of products and answered questions.
Then, the teenagers had a detailed tour of the mechanical, assembly and frame-procurement workshops. The event ended with a visit to the CEO's office and a quiz.
"I am very glad that the interest in the plant among schoolchildren is not fading," says Anton Abushenko, General Director of the enterprise. "I hope that in the foreseeable future our efforts will contribute to the growth of the prestige of working professions."

The acquaintance with the production, which began with the traditional introductory briefing and collective photography in the lobby of the plant, continued at the exhibition. Here, a specialist from the chief designer's department told the guys about the main types of products and answered questions.

Then, the teenagers had a detailed tour of the mechanical, assembly and frame-procurement workshops. The event ended with a visit to the CEO's office and a quiz.

"I am very glad that the interest in the plant among schoolchildren is not fading," says Anton Abushenko, General Director of the enterprise. "I hope that in the foreseeable future our efforts will contribute to the growth of the prestige of working professions."