Metro Workers' Day
Dear colleagues! Dear friends!

Dear colleagues! Dear friends!
Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday – the Day of the Metro and Metro Workers!
On May 15, 1935, the grand opening of the first line of the Moscow Metro took place. Despite its venerable age, the metro in the capital is constantly being built and modernized in accordance with new requirements for passenger safety and convenience.
Subways are also being developed in other Russian cities — St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Their trouble-free work is provided daily by professionals of various specialties. They are the ones who accept congratulations on their professional holiday today.
I sincerely wish the metro teams success and prosperity, well-coordinated and uninterrupted work and updating of the material and technical base!
Happy holidays!
Sincerely, the General Director of LLC "Termotron-Zavod" A.G. Abushenko