Thank you for your hard work

Thermotron members received awards for the professional holiday


Russian machine builders celebrate their professional holiday on the last Sunday of September. The day before, a solemn event dedicated to this date took place in the Crystal Hall of the Government of the Bryansk region. 

"Dear employees of the engineering industry! Dear veterans! On my own behalf and on behalf of the Government of the Bryansk region, I congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the Day of the Machine Builder," said Alexander Bogomaz, Governor of the region, addressing the audience. — Mechanical engineering is one of the strategically important sectors of the Russian economy, a driver of industrial production growth, ensuring the defense capability of our country. Bryansk enterprises produce high-quality, competitive products, which are rightfully considered the strong foundation of the entire Bryansk industry."

Among those invited to the event were representatives of LLC "Termotron-Zavod". For their high performance in their work and professionalism, they received certificates of honor from the head of the city of Bryansk and the Volodarsky district administration.
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