Together we create a "Technovernisage"
Thermotron and Quantorium hold a joint children's drawing contest

The Technovernisage regional drawing contest, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of LLC "Termotron-Zavod", has started. It is jointly organized by the Children's Technopark "Kvantorium".
Children from 7 to 17 years old can take part in the competition. To do this, it is necessary to transfer your work to the Quantorium (114 Dimitrova St.) by February 23. A drawing made in any technique on paper, cardboard or canvas in a format not less than A4 and not more than A3 must correspond to one of the following themes:
— "City of traffic lights – make the world brighter";
— "The Magic Tram";
— "Space Metro";
— "On rails at the speed of light";
— "ART Express – the subway of the future";
— "The symbol (mascot) of the plant from the animal world."
The results will be announced on March 7 in the technopark group on the VKontakte social network. Awarding of the winners in each nomination in three age groups will take place on March 12. You can get acquainted with the competition regulations by following the link