Electric drive fi ttings of automatic train stops PAM-2

The electric drive fi ttings of automatic train stops PAM-2 are used in devices of metro automatic block system and are designed for impact on brake systems of electric trains when train is running on a block section secured by the restrictive signal.

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The electric drive fi ttings of automatic train stops PAM-2 are used in devices of metro automatic block system and are designed for impact on brake systems of electric trains when train is running on a block section secured by the restrictive signal. LLC Termotron-Zavod produces automatic train stop fi ttings for round and square metro tunnels, YUKLYA.303488.002-01.

The operating element of the fi ttings is a striking lever installed on the right-hand side of the track along the train routing. The striking lever can hold two positions: horizontal not preventing train running and vertical preventing train running. When the automatic train stop is closed, the striking lever rises above the head of running rails within 77-85 mm.

If a driver passes by the restrictive signal of the traffi c light breaking the metro Operating Rules, the clamp of the breakaway valve of the automatic train stop strikes against the striking lever of the fi ttings and deviates from its vertical position which causes the valve opening and results in emergency train stop. 

The fi ttings of automatic train stop drives are equipped with a counter-weight (load) to bring the drive in a closed position in case of power cut or electric motor fault. In an open position of the automatic train stop the load is kept in the top position by the drive due to holding current in the motor.

Upper point of counter-weight tie-rod in relation to foundation: 785
Clutch stroke distance, mm: 8-9
Counter-weight, kg: 4,5
Installation distance of the lever in relation to head of rail: 308
Rotation angle of the main shaft: 106°
Rotation angle of the striking lever: 90°

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